- What is U.S. Gold Corp.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol USAU.
- When was U.S. Gold Corp. incorporated?
- When did U.S. Gold Corp. become a public company?
Upon the closing of the merger with Dataram Corporation on May 23, 2017.
- Where is U.S. Gold Corp. located?
1807 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne WY 82001- When is U.S. Gold Corp.'s fiscal year end?
April 30th
- Who is U.S. Gold Corp.'s transfer agent?
Equity Stock Transfer
237 W 37th St.
Suite 601
New York, NY 10018- Who is U.S. Gold Corp.'s independent auditor?
Marcum LLP
- Who is U.S. Gold Corp.'s outside legal counsel?
Brian Boonstra
Davis Graham and Stubbs
1550 17th Street
Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
Phone (303) 892-9400
Fax (303) 893-1379
Brian.Boonstra@dgslaw.com- Whom can I contact for general information about U.S. Gold Corp.?
Investor Relations